Sunday, March 13, 2011

So Here I Sit....

My father was a lineman.  Not as in "played for the Green Bay Packers" but as in climbing telephone poles fixing lines.  I  think that it's funny that a lot of my job, that no one would hire someone out of college to do, is just like what my dad did.

So, my T1 has been amazingly erratic lately.  Yep.  Imagine having major slow-downs at a high school.  Gee, what could those kids be doing....or for that matter what could the teachers be doing?!!!!  It turned out that they were doing a lot of youtube, netflix, and other fun stuff.  Except it seemed that most of it was for class.  Truly this is really a good thing--except that we just doubled our bandwidth within the we really need so much more?

Last week I turned to my T1 provider to help me.  And spent a few minutes discussing my problem with a nice young man.  He noted that there were no problems on their end but he'd be happy to help me troubleshoot.  I didn't have the time so said that I'd call back. 

The next call I made was a few days later.  And I got a very nice man with a very heavy accent.  Now, I don't mind accents, I taught and studied foreign languages for many years--it's a way of life.  But I was tired and feeling impatient.  I almost hung up on him.  Luckily, I choose not to.  That very nice man, the one that I was potentially willing to dismiss, looked at my account and said, "well, no wonder you have no bandwidth,  one of your circuits is down so you actually are working with 1/2 the bandwidth that you need..."  What was that OTHER guy looking at?!!!!

Within 2 hours we were fixed.  Our bandwidth restored. 

We have had a few glitches since then, but we do believe, based on research that they are internal and we're working them out.  This episode did remind me that we shouldn't hang up on help because it doesn't come in the form that we expect or want.  And it also reminded me that especially when tired, patience is part of my job and, while it might take some time and I may have to repeat myself on occassion or ask for repetition, the end result is usually good.

Now let's hope I can keep the kids from skype and steam...

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